Next Dates – To be confirmed

Want to see if Body Sonics is a fit for you?

Come JOIN us!

Want to feel a deeper
connection with yourself?

Would you like to tune into your body
& let its wisdom guide the way?

Are you ready to release
the past and be free?

Want to learn healing tools
you can use for a lifetime?

Do you have a health challenge or an old injury that hasn’t fully healed that is stopping you having a fully happy & healthy life?  The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the right tools & information! 

Have you had enough of holding
back what you really feel?

Are you looking to find your truest self-expression?

Learn how to heal your body with your voice!

Come and find out what
Body Sonics is all about!

“When we let go of what we think is true, then it allows what IS true to become our reality”
– J. Robert Oppenheimer

Become your own healer and teach someone else how to as well!  Once you have mastered this healing technique, pass this healing knowledge on to your friends, family or share with your clients. Let’s get everyone well!

“Last night this ANGEL came over to give me the most profound healing of my entire life.  I have been exploring healing modalities since the age of 13… I had no idea, it was even possible, to heal so much at once.  I feel like I did at least a couple lifetimes of healing.  We went deep to the very beginnings of multiple wounds in the safest of spaces to call them up.  I really feel they are DELETED, GONE, ERASED, BYE BYE… and replaced with infinite space and LOVE… feeling so wonderful.  There isn’t any more charge (emotional) left…and I have actually forgiven loads of people (that’s an incredible feeling).  So much gratitude Eeshira, your intentions are mighty pure.  I LOVE YOU SISTER.  I’m your number one fan forever” – Cassandra A.

Transforming your life with the power of your own sound!

Body Sonics is a fun and creative way of using the power of your own voice to empower you to heal your own body. Sound with conscious loving intention creates healing and in a safe, sacred space, when combined with movement, light, breath and visualisation, it can help reveal where energy is blocked or what needs to be expressed in order to clear the way for healing. Your body knows exactly how to unravel its story and heal itself and all we need to do is tune in to reconnect to that innate body wisdom. This may bring up old memories, suppressed emotion or simply transmute pain to bliss in your body!! When we clear the blocks, then we can get more present in the body. All you need is to make a commitment to your joy and trust that you can do it!

As children we naturally know how to release trauma from the body.  If a child hits their knee, they spontaneously cry, making a loud sound to release the shock, but as adults we’ve chosen to be conditioned to stop expressing that natural way of clearing in the moment.  Instead we choose to stay stuck in polite behaviour and swallow our feelings down which, when left unacknowledged, can develop into de-pression, poor energy flow, dis-ease, etc.  Body Sonics is all about trusting your body wisdom and reconnecting with this natural instinctive way of using sound to free up stuck energy to return the body to a state of balance and wellbeing. When we get to express these stuck energies in a supportive environment like a Body Sonics workshop or one-on-one Skype session, we can then reconnect with our innate joyous nature and feel the bliss of being fully present in the NOW!

In today’s culture, where can you go to just make sound, any sound, any volume, any way you choose?  Exactly!  Not many places.

This kind of sound healing therapy is all about giving your body a voice.  It’s bursting to guide us if we just tune in.  It also empowers you to tune in more deeply with your body, its messages and your healing ability.  Conditions that clients have found improvement using the Body Sonics Cellular Healing protocol include:- old injuries that haven’t fully healed, nerve damage, scar tissue, poor blood circulation/energy flow and more!

You will learn different ways you can be more in harmony with yourself, just like tuning a guitar, so you can easily tune your strings anytime, anywhere.  This can be especially handy in a world of so many stressful, man-made, unnatural vibrations and the Earth’s shifting vibration too!

Did you know you have your own sound? Ever wondered why you don’t resonate (literally) with someone else? It’s because your body’s vibration is unique and likes to harmonise/resonate with certain vibrations or you may be sensitive to your fridge’s vibration instead!! Because of our lifestyles, diets, physical body type, consciousness, life experience and health etc, we all have different vibrations in our bodies where energy is flowing and where it may not be and/or where we carry old vibrations in our cells which may be stopping us moving forward.

Online sessions also available (scroll down). Have a FREE 15 min Zoom chat with Eeshi-Ra to see if these healing tools are for you & sign up to the mailing list to receive your FREE sound healing audio download

Benefits of self healing and for client may include:-

  • Clearing suppressed emotion
  • Shifting stuck energy or poor energy flow
  • Relieving chronic pain
  • Releasing limited mobility
  • Enhancing body sensitivity e.g. clearing numbness/nerve damage etc
  • Reversing symptoms of injuries or trauma that hasn’t fully resolved
  • Deeper levels of embodiment and self awareness
  • Accessing deeper states of vitality, harmony, joy, peace & inner spiritual connection

You can heal as soon as you’re ready!

“I’m most grateful to Eeshira for the magnificent Body Sonics weekend from the depth of her heart and knowledge.  Coming out of depression, and being so sensitive to the environment, I was looking to find a method that is both scientific and spiritual for healing my fears and my anxiety and make me remain on a level of love and gratitude within myself.  I am so impressed in the diversity of knowledge and ancient healing methods incorporated.  I totally recommend Eeshira for her ability to teach us to heal using our own voice…and through the powerful sound guided meditation techniques, I went into a trance state where truths were spoken by my Soul. Namaste Eeshira” – Alina G

The Body Sonics Self Healing 2 day training includes:-


  • Intro
  • How Body Sonics was Born
  • Everything is Vibration
  • Benefits of Sound Healing
  • How I healed myself with Sound
  • How Body Sonics brings Healing
  • The Best choice of Frequencies
  • The Body Sonics Frequencies – Trauma Release and how Sound can facilitate that
  • Using the Frequencies: Use on and in the body; Using the Maths, Use through the Energy Field & Activating the Light Body
  • Clearing the Path for Healing: Releasing the trauma; How to navigate your own healing; Self worth; Taking back the power; Our Word is our Wand; The nocebo effect ; Birth; The Death Urge; Choice; Suspending your disbelief; Going beyond what we think is possible; Forgiveness of Self and Others; Making a sincere and humble reques; Letting go of any expectations; Blasting through blocks
  • The Importance of Mindset, Intention & Visualisation: How to amplify Healing; How to Focus it; Changing how we see; Trigger Happy; Grounding; Earthing Exercise
  • The Importance of Questions
  • Harmonising with the Voice: Giving your Body a Voice; Finding your Voice; How to bring Love into the Equation; Humming; Using Specific Words; Finding the Dissonance; Other ways the Voice can be used
  • The Importance of the Breath: Relaxation and using the breath and sound to shift enery
  • The Importance of Non-Linear Movement
  • The Importance of Water
  • The Importance of Self Care
  • The Importance of Sleep & Handling Technology: Regenerating while we sleep & Dreams
  • The Importance of Reset
  • The Importance of a Healthy Diet, Lifestyle & Detox to support the Healing Process
  • The Importance of Repetition
  • Conscious Emotional Release and why we all need it
  • Polyvagal Theory and how to apply it
  • Sonic Breath Activation – Sound frequency-assisted breathwork
  • Neuroscience and how it helps
  • Embodiment Practices
  • Journalling your Progress
  • Messages from your Body
  • What is the Gift?
  • Body Gratitude
  • Energising your Food & Water
  • Clearing the Energy in a Room/Your Home
  • Amplifying with the power of Sacred Symbol
  • Using Colour
  • Putting it all Together & much more!

What you’ll receive:


  • 100 page Body Sonics Self Healing Cellular Protocol Manual PDF – Download links for all files sent via email
  • 3 sound healing frequency MP3 audio files to help clear trauma/blockages, bring in healing energy & repair/regenerate the cells;
  • The Unity Codes 1 hour tuning fork sound healing audio to deepen your body awareness and healing journey (MP3 smartphone version – £24 VALUE)
  • “Making the Shift from Fear to Love” (from contraction to expansion) Journal PDF to document your progress
  • BONUS – Earthing 20 minute tuning fork sound healing audio to deepen your body awareness and healing journey and also deal with the impact of EMF radiation/electro-stress to optimise your healing. (MP3 Highest Quality Smartphone version – £15 VALUE)
  • BONUS – “High Vibe your Life” PDF for healthy tips on having the best health ever!
  • BONUS – “Happy Brain Happy Body” PDF to optimise your brain function and uplift your mood!
  • BONUS – “Optimising your Health” PDF with health tips to feel great every day and your clients too!
  • Bibliography PDF of Books and Resources to inspire you further

For the training:

  • Please bring healthy vegan/vegetarian gluten-free food to share to support detox, energy release, increased body sensitivity and boost our energy levels
  • Drinking water will be provided daily to support your optimum hydration & healing; and
  • Wear light, loose & comfortable clothing.

Recommendations: To support your body during your healing process, it is beneficial to consume a plant-based diet with no wheat, dairy, caffeine, sugar or alcohol, sugar or salt at least 72 hours prior.  The more sensitive your body is, the more you will be able to tune in. The rest is up to you!

“I had the pleasure of having a Body Sonics session with Eeshira.  I really didn’t know what to expect and I’m not saying that it was blissful when I was in the midst of it, but I had some deep locked away shadows that I have been attempting to move through, but have not been able to access.  During the session, Eeshira was able to gently guide me (whilst playing particular frequencies using large sound chimes) to support what I was doing to get to some crucial emotional places that had me deeply expressing the pain and anger that I’d held there.  There was a great deal of release that occurred during the session.  I felt SO much lighter afterwards.  I recommend Body Sonics with Eeshira to anyone who wants to go deep to receive healing”
Gaelyn Larrick – Artist/Photographer (USA)

Learn healing tools you can use for a lifetime!

The Body Sonics Practitioner 6 day training includes:-


  • Introduction
  • How to Guide the Client
  • What helps Energy Move? – A review of all topics now from a Practitioner perspective:
    • Create a Safe Space
    • Standing
    • Empower the Client to Feel
    • Getting and Staying Grounded
    • The Breath
    • The 3 Body Sonics Frequencies
    • Directing & Moving the Voice
    • Non-Linear Movement
    • Encouragement
    • Positive Mindset & Language
    • Healing Intention, Visualisation, How to Heal & Mindset
    • In-tuition, Body Wisdom and Asking Good Questions
    • Colour & Light
    • Prayers & Affirmations
    • Sacred Geometry
    • The Power of Repetition
    • Express & Release Emotions
    • Water
    • Loving Touch
    • Body Wisdom & Finding the Gift
    • Body Gratitude
    • Sleep, REM & Turning off our Tech
    • Diet, Detox & Lifestyle Choices
  • The Breath
  • Sonic Breath Activation
  • Rebirthing Session & Clearing Bottom Line Beliefs on a Personal & Practitioner Level
  • Using Sound
    • The 1st Body Sonics Frequency
    • The 2nd Body Sonics Frequency
    • The 3rd Body Sonics Frequency
    • Vocal Warm Up
    • How to increase the Resonance of the Voice
    • Using Breath & Sound
    • Energy Clearing Techniques
    • Other Vocal Sounds
    • Going Deeper with the Voice
    • Sonic Ho’oponopono
  • Clearing Emotional Suppression
  • Emotions & Health
  • Body Areas & Beliefs
  • Polyvagal Theory, Vagus Nerve & How to Apply it
  • How to achieve the Best Healing Outcome
  • Energising & Embodiment Breath Meditation
  • Preparing the Space
    • Creating Sacred Space
    • Resetting a Space
  • Preparing Yourself before a Session
    • Physical Preparation
    • Energetic Preparation
  • How to Embody Healing Intention
  • Shaking and Sacred Tobacco Practice
  • Client Intake: Observations before a Session
  • Client Intake: Consultation & Desired Outcome
  • Contra-Indications – When Not to use Sound
  • Client Intake Form
  • Explain the Session Beforehand
  • Energy Shifts & How to Clear Energy
  • Client Observation during a Session
  • Grounding to Complete
  • Putting it all together
  • Session Timeline Sample
  • Case Studies
  • Client Intro Email & Homework After Session Emails
  • Client Investment Options
  • Body Sonics Testimonials

What you’ll receive:


  • 99 page Body Sonics Practitioner Manual PDF
  • Client Intake Consultation Form with Contra-Indications etc PDF (for 6 day practitioner training)
  • The Unity Codes 1 hour tuning fork sound healing audio to deepen your body awareness and healing journey (MP3 smartphone version  and WAV Highest Quality audios -£48 VALUE)
  • “Making the Shift from Fear to Love” (from contraction to expansion) Journal PDF to document your progress
  • BONUS – Earthing 1 hour tuning fork sound healing audio to deepen your body awareness and healing journey and also deal with the impact of EMF radiation/electro-stress to optimise your healing. (MP3 Highest quality Smartphone version and WAV Highest Quality audios – £48 VALUE)
  • BONUS – 2 x crystal bowl sound healing frequency MP3 audios (£30 VALUE)
  • BONUS – “High Vibe your Life” PDF for healthy tips on having the best health ever!
  • BONUS – “Happy Brain Happy Body” PDF to optimise your brain function and uplift your mood!
  • BONUS – “Optimising your Health” PDF with health tips to feel great every day and your clients too!
  • Bibliography PDF of Books and Resources to inspire you further!
  • Practitioner Certificate of Completion presented at the end of the course (For the 6 day Practitioner Training)

The exercises really worked for me and the lack of pressure to get results”

- Phil S. - TV/Film Director (UK)

“Lovely, friendly non-superior attitude – spot on” 

- Kate - Artist & Poet (UK)

I don’t even know where to begin, to express to you in words how powerful beautiful your healing work and teaching is!  Not only is it the knowledge you teach which comes through all the more stronger because your own personal connection and deep passion for it, but also because of the subtle, gentle and centered way in which you teach.  I feel so fortunate and privileged to have met you.  I am forever grateful!”

- Asha B. (UK)

“Eeshira is a good facilitator” 

- Michael R. - Yoga Instructor (UK)

Online Sessions also available

If you’d like to get empowered to become your own healer, and receive personal one-on-one sessions with Eeshi-Ra and get going sooner than later, please email Eeshi-Ra direct here to arrange your FREE 15 min Zoom discovery call to see if Body Sonics is a fit for you or book NOW by clicking on the Silver 3 session package here and Gold 6 session package here.

When you honour what you really feel & allow your body to speak to you so it can unravel its story

When you break free of the past & you love yourself THIS much

You create the space for healing and then MIRACLES are really possible!

Come and unravel your story
AMAZING wellbeing 
is waiting for you!

 To read about some miracle healings from some recent Body Sonics clients, click here

or for more testimonials on Eeshira’s offerings, click here