Sonic Soul Retrieval Practitioner Training

Sonic Soul Retrieval Practitioner Training


Clearing the past to anchor
the Divine in present time



Want to check out the FREE INTRO TASTER first?  – Tune in with 3 x 1 hour classes here to feel into what this frequency shifting embodiment training is ALL about!

This is a 12 week Practitioner Training with deep inner attunement homework each week.  Do it at your own pace to ensure you receive ALL the benefits & your clients too!


Learn how to heal with your voice in a profound way for yourself & others.  This is the deepest sound healing work I offer!

Manifest miracles & clear blocks that may have held us back for lifetimes!

An ancient healing method used in the temples of Egypt so vital during this time of the Great Awakening

Learn how to use the best frequency shifting tool there is!
N.B. If you’re already a singer, it will also improve the resonance & power of your voice, strengthen and deepen your breathing control and increase your vocal range too!

You will learn how to:

  • Clear different areas of the physical body & energy field using the biofeedback of your own body
  • Clear blocks, negative imprints/emotions, trauma, imbalances & miasma/disconnections from this life and past lives
  • Change the sound of your voice moment by moment eg timbre, tonality, rhythm, wide or laser focused etc
  • Tune into your body wisdom to focus & step beyond the mind to fully assist yourself & others.
  • Tune into spiritual guidance & transmit ancient soul messages to bring completion to unresolved past life experience
  • Step outside the box of how you normally use your voice and get down and dirty & even primal!
  • Become fully free vocally to shift dissonance into full resonance
  • Call back soul fragments from past lives, other dimensions & spaces.
  • Harmonise & re-integrate disharmony back into the body
  • Fully anchor the I AM presence more deeply into the body
  • Give a 1 hour session that clears, integrates & grounds to finish
  • Quickly and easily shift your state to embody & prepare before
  • Create sacred space with the voice
  • Clear your energy after so you don’t take on any of your client’s energy or have any entity interference


  • Over 20 hours (11 weeks) of guided video mentoring and Q & A (90-120 min classes)
  • Weekly Homework with inner attunement recommendations to deepen your journey
  • Shamanic Sonics Vocal Tools for Healing PDF to deepen the healing qualities of your voice
  • Full Q & A support via email anytime you need!
  • A 30 minute Personal One-on-One with Eeshira via Zoom once you’ve mastered all the techniques and are ready to demonstrate a 15 minute mini client session
  • Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of your demo client session
  • Special Practitioner Discounts (see Other Offerings video)

The Unity Codes 1 hourBONUSES:

  • FREE – 1 hour “The Unity Codes” Tuning Fork Sound Healing Audio for anchoring Divine Blueprint (£24 VALUE)
  • FREE – 20 minutes “Earthing” Sound Healing Tuning Fork Audio to support deepening your embodiment (£15 VALUE)
  • FREE – 3 x Pre-Session Energy Clearing MP3 Audios: to prepare or clear & ground before or after a session) (£30 VALUE)
  • FREE – “High Vibe your Life” eBook PDF to support you maintaining a high vibrational life (£10 VALUE)
  • FREE – “Happy Brain Happy Body” eBook PDF to support you in optimising your brain function, mood and clearing cravings, addictions and unloving behaviour (£10 VALUE)
  • FREE “Wifi & Technology tips” to reduce your impact from electromagnetic radiation & use of technology e.g. Wifi, phones, computers, etc (Priceless!)


Beginners most welcome.

No perfect singing technique or complicated mantras to learn

No need to sing in tune or sound good.

No experience required!

Just a desire to be fully wild, free & in total service to the highest good for ALL!

If your Spirit is feeling the call, I so look forward to welcoming you there!
Transformation with the power of Sound

Eeshira on Instagram

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