I’m passionate about us freeing up energy in our bodies through the the power of sound, using the voice as a potent way of discharging the build up of suppressed energy in our body. We live in a society that has so many rules and most of us have been told that we need to be polite, quiet, it’s not OK to express how you truly feel, don’t disturb the neighbours, anger is unacceptable, don’t upset your mother, etc and often this leaves us with no option but to internalise our feelings which if left unresolved, can sometimes lead to depression, dis-empowerment, and if left with no outward release it can cause dis-ease and if further unresolved, this can more serious conditions like cancer.

When we create the space to go within, we can free ourselves, clear out the past, move through our emotional landscape to a place of clarity after letting go, where suddenly there is far more energy available to us and we feel more open, more authentic, lighter, more energised, more connected to how we really feel, more present and grounded in our bodies and more peaceful and happy as a result.

I offer an empathic healing & sacred space with solfeggio sound healing frequencies that assist you in clearing out any energy that you’ve been holding onto which then enables you to bring in more light and experience a more energised way of being.

Moving beyond the story…..

Rather than engaging with the detail of the story of what happened, when, how challenging it was, who betrayed us etc, we can ask our inner spiritual wisdom and body wisdom to guide us through the process, using the power of the voice, to release anything and everything we are ready to clear from our body and surrounding energy field.  When you trust the natural intelligence of your body to show you how it wants to breathe, sound and move in any given moment, then you are fully in the body, and out of the mind.  When we throw away the rule book of what we think is acceptable and simply allow our body to unravel its story expressing by sounding with the voice, but not speaking words, in a safely held space, then release can be far easier and more potent and liberated too, as we are simply focusing on the feelings that want to be released, rather than stepping back into the past.  If we start thinking about what happened, then it’s easy to lose the connection of what our body is showing us, so by staying with our voice’s free expression, we can give ourselves permission to release the past and liberate our lives.  Our voices are potent beyond measure and when we trust in that, and clear out as deeply as we choose in this moment, then we make space for new life to come in, so we can really open up to feeling more of that joyful, playful child again. Beautifully back in the present moment, feeling, sensing and accessing our natural and ecstatic embodied way of being that is our birthright.

“The only way out is in”

This is offered either as a personal session live with Eeshira online or in person or in a group setting.

How a Conscious Emotional Release experience flows

Intro – First, I introduce myself and explain what Conscious Emotional Release is and how sound frequency can assist the process

Point of Choice Meditation – Each participant will tune in on an experience they’ve had in the past, or something that’s really present right now, where we feel we didn’t fully express ourselves and we’re holding negative emotions and we’re ready to express them now.

Sharing Circle – Each person states what emotion they’d like to work with and how they’d like to feel at the end.

Sacred Space – Then we create sacred space together, calling in any energetic support we feel to e.g. our guides, angels, animal guides, teachers and other healing energies to create a safe container in which to journey.

Partner Exercise – Each person shares with their partner how this person or situation negatively affected their life and why they didn’t feel able to express themselves fully at the time

Vocal Warm-Up – Vocal exercises to ensure any emotional expression comes from the full body and doesn’t strain the throat in any way.

Getting Present – Embodiment Practice to open up energy flow, the voice and get fully present

Attunement Meditation – Body Attunement, dropping out of the mind and sense how we’re feeling about this person or situation

Partner Exercise – You create energetic & physical protection together and your partner bears witness to your emotions, supports you empathically in fully expressing all of them, and meets you energetically too.

So….. if you’re feeling the call to set yourself free in some way, I invite you to join me.  It can be a very liberating experience!

You are the ONE who takes yourself as deep as you want to go!

Benefits of a Conscious Emotional Release session may include:-

  • Release past trauma and emotions so you free up more energy and embody more light and love in every cell!
  • Transform your fears so you can step more fully into your power
  • Open your heart and tune in ever more deeply with your divine loving self and connection to Source!
  • Deepen your connection to your body, accessing more in-tuition (the teacher within), body sensitivity and body wisdom
  • Feel more deeply embodied in your body, more in tune with your senses and more present in your life
  • Connect more deeply with your inner truth & authenticity
  • A deeper and more authentic loving connection with others
  • A stronger sense of purpose and knowing
  • Embody more life force energy, creating more ease and flow in your health, relationships and life
  • Ascend in loving conscious awareness, & bring the heaven within fully to Earth, to your Earth, in your body!

“My shoulder and back feel good today.  Haven’t had any pain.  I have felt very peaceful and present last night and today.  I can feel a shift in myself.  Like how one feels after they cleared a cluttered room.  A sense of ahhh and peacefulness.  like a weight has been lifted and I didn’t even realise I’d been carrying it.  Much love and gratitude to you sweet Eeshi-Ra!”
– Donna, School Teacher (Conscious Emotional Release/Body Sonics)

This session is also available via Skype, simply go to the Book a Session form below.

Eeshi-Ra Hart (formerly Ashera) is a passionate advocate of healing with simple, loving and easy ways to rebalance the body back to its natural, healthy state. She is a sound healing practitioner, author, international speaker, frequency medicine specialist and workshop facilitator and has taught extensively at conferences, community events, expos and festivals in Europe, the States, Australia and Bali. She trained at the Globe Sound & Consciousness Institute in San Francisco where she has taught the online students as an expert in the solfeggio and was the original international co-ordinator of the global peace event Earthdance. She has trained in rebirthing and Biodynamic Trauma Release breathwork, Hyperton-X Trauma Release bodywork and has studied extensively with many experts in the sound healing world (John Beaulieu (father of tuning fork therapy), Jonathan Goldman, Tom Kenyon (Hathor transmissions), Karina Schelde (voice healing), Randy Masters (sacred sound, geometry, maths etc), & many others. She is qualified with a certificate in Psycho Acoustics and Tuning Forks and healing with the voice.  Eeshi-Ra has worked since 2001 with the sound healing ascension codes of the solfeggio and the temple keys of the Flower of Life & violet flame that heal all fear-based consciousness back to its original divine blueprint. These keys are here to attune us more deeply with our connection to our bodies, Divine Self, Source, the Earth and the Universe and ultimately to activate our DNA and our rainbow light bodies, and embody and awaken fully so ascension is fulfilled on this planet.

If you have questions, please email via the website here

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