Heal your body with your voice!
Learn how to become your own healer!
and teach someone else how to as well!

Want to learn Body Sonics
with Eeshi-Ra sooner than later?
Online sessions NOW available (see below).
Would you like a FREE 15 min Zoom chat to see if this is for you?
Click here & select the FREE 15 min discovery call

Body Sonics is a fun and creative way of using the power of your own voice to empower you to heal your own body.  Sound with conscious loving intention creates healing and in a safe, sacred space, when combined with movement, light, breath and visualisation, it can help reveal where energy is blocked or what needs to be expressed in order to clear the way for healing. Your body knows exactly how to unravel its story and heal itself and all we need to do is tune in to reconnect to that innate body wisdom. This may bring up old memories, suppressed emotion or simply transmute pain to bliss in your body!!  When we clear the blocks, then we can get more present in the body.  All you need is to make a commitment to yourself and trust that you can do it!  Our voices are powerful beyond our wildest imaginings!

The Body Sonics Cellular Healing sound healing is a VTP (Vibrational Transformation Process) which is good for healing many current health issues, old injuries, scar tissue, nerve damage, blood circulation, energy flow, chronic pain, and helps support you to more deeply tune in with your body, its messages and your healing ability.

Read about some miracles with recent Body Sonics clients here.  We are like a guitar and to be in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings we need to regularly tune our strings especially in a world with so many man-made, un-natural vibrations and the Earth’s shifting vibration too!

“I’m most grateful to Eeshi-Ra for the magnificent Body Sonics weekend from the depth of her heart and knowledge.
Coming out of depression, and being so sensitive to the environment, I was looking to find a method
that is both scientific and spiritual for healing my fears and my anxiety and make me remain
on a level of love and gratitude within myself….I am so impressed in the diversity of knowledge
and ancient healing methods incorporated.  I totally recommend Eeshi-Ra for her ability to teach us
to heal using our own voice…. and through the powerful sound guided meditation techniques,
I went into a trance state where truths were spoken by my Soul.  Namaste Eeshi-Ra” –
Alina G.

Hear what Chad says about his Body Sonics sessions

and Luna

“I can’t thank Eeshira enough for what I’ve gained from our one-to-one sessions.
They have changed my life.  We have had very powerful sessions together & Eeshira is
fully supporting my journey.  In addition, she did an enormous
amount of research on my behalf.  She is very professional, knowledgeable
and passionate about her work and I would highly recommend her.
Thank you with all my heart Eeshira” – Louise (UK)

Ready to Dive In? – Sessions can be easily done online!

If you’d like to feel more empowered and learn how to become your own healer, and get going sooner than later, please book now for your personal one-on-one Zoom Body Sonics healing sessions with Eeshi-Ra.  Sessions are offered in packages of 3 x 1 hour sessions (Silver), 6 x 1 hour sessions (Gold) or 9 x 1 hour sessions (Platinum), depending on the depth of focus & support you feel you need.  All clients will ALSO receive via email:-

A 90 page Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol Guide;
Three sound healing frequency audio files to help clear the trauma/blockage, bring in healing energy & repair/regenerate the cells; and
Your FREE personal copy of my 1 hour tuning fork sound healing audio The Unity Codes (or a different length if you prefer for those who book online) to maximise your healing ongoing.  This sound healing audio can also be placed via headphones directly onto the nearest bone to where your health challenge is and be used to stimulate endorphins (that may be good for uplifting your mood, pain relief, cell regeneration, rejuvenation & more!) and to promote a deep, restful sleep; and
Specifically custom-designed homework for you to support your ongoing healing journey after each session

In addition: Gold and Platinum clients will also receive their choice of 1 (for Gold clients) and 2 (for Platinum clients) additional sound healing audios completely FREE! (e.g. The 108 Zobet Codes or Earthing).

“I don’t even know where to begin, to express to you in words how powerfully beautiful
your healing work and teaching is!  Not only is it the knowledge you teach which comes through
all the more stronger because of your own personal connection and deep passion for it,
but also because of the subtle, gentle and centered way in which you teach.
I feel so fortunate and privileged to have met you.  I am forever grateful” – Asha B.

“Thank you so much for the safe space you created for me today. I am feeling so light hearted.  Feeling happy again after weeks and sending many blessings your way. Today was a beautiful day. I randomly looked into the mirror and noticed my eyes were sparkling with shines. After a long time I see my eyes shining so beautifully again.

I pray and hope that I can help you spread this beautiful healing techniques to many more people. I have worked with many coaches and I must say the world needs to know you more. You’re one of the best healers that I have experienced” (post Body Sonics/Earthing sessions)”

- Ummehani S. (Germany) - Manager

“I had the pleasure of having a Body Sonics session with Eeshi-Ra.  I really didn’t know what to expect and I’m not saying that it was blissful when I was in the midst of it, but I had some deep locked away shadows that I have been attempting to move through, but have not been able to access.  During the session, Eeshi-Ra was able to gently guide me (whilst playing particular frequencies using large sound chimes) to support what I was doing to get to some crucial emotional places that had me deeply expressing the pain and anger that I’d held there.  There was a great deal of release that occurred during the session.  I felt SO much lighter afterwards.  I recommend Body Sonics with Eeshi-Ra to anyone who wants to go deep to receive healing”

- Gaelyn L. (USA) - Artist/Photographer

Emotion, tears just fell, the combination of light, sounds and my voice seemed to get to the essence of fear in a different way” 

- Madhu P. (Australia) - Dancer/Singer

“The exercises really worked for me and the lack of pressure to get results”

- Phil S. (UK) - TV/Film Director

“Lovely, friendly non-superior attitude – spot on” 

- Kate L. (UK) - Artist/Poet


Got a few questions before you start, then either book a FREE 15 minute Discovery Call below, or kindly email Eeshi-Ra direct here.

OR If you’re ready to dive in NOW?

Click either the Silver, Gold or Platinum box below to step into a whole new way of healing and feeling in your body!

and then book your first session with Eeshi-Ra by filling out the form at the bottom of the page giving 3 dates and times that suit you best.

Did you know you have your own sound? Ever wondered why you don’t resonate (literally) with someone else? It’s because your body’s vibration is unique and likes to harmonise/resonate with certain vibrations or you may be sensitive to your fridge’s vibration instead!! Because of our lifestyles, diets, physical body type, consciousness, life experience and health etc, we all have different vibrations in our bodies where energy is flowing and where it may not be and/or where we carry old vibrations in our cells which may be stopping us moving forward.

As adults, many of us have forgotten our spontaneous child-like nature that cries or makes noise when we are hurt, right there in the moment, and instead we choose to stay stuck in polite behaviour and swallow our feelings down which when left unacknowledged can develop into dis-ease, de-pression, etc. When we get to express these stuck energies in a supportive environment like a Body Sonics workshop or one-on-one Skype session, we can then reconnect with our innate joyous nature and feel the bliss of being fully present in the NOW!  Body Sonics is a way of stimulating your body’s energy flow and encouraging you to trust your body wisdom and find different sounds and movements to express what you’ve held inside; which can clear blocks in the body so you can get to your real Self and get your energy flowing like a river again!

When you honour what you really feel

When you allow your body to speak to you so it can unravel its story

When you break free of the past

When you love yourself THIS much

You create the space for healing and then MIRACLES are really possible!

Come and unravel your story
AMAZING wellbeing 
is waiting for you!

To study with Eeshi-Ra online, kindly email
her by clicking here or check courses here

 To read about some miracle healings from some recent Body Sonics clients, click here

or for more testimonials on Eeshi-Ra’s offerings,
click here to hear more testimonials or here.

For more testimonials sharing about Eeshi-Ra’s sessions, go here.

To JUMP IN, and SIGN UP NOW, and take that first step to healing your body in a whole new way,
click on either the Silver, Gold or Platinum Body Sonics box below
and then book your first session with Eeshi-Ra by filling out the form below.

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