Would you like to learn how to bring the power of sound healing
into your life to benefit you, your friends and family?

Come join this fun 19 hour introductory
tuning forks online course

“My solfeggio forks sessions really helped me with my injury, and now I don’t have pain
in my leg or lower back (after 28 years from a car accident. It was amazing.
It’s not just relaxing, or beautiful music. It’s powerful medicine”. – Liana (Acupuncturist/Naturopath) (Bali)

You will learn:

  • What is sound healing and why it works?
  • Cymatics and how Sound creates Form
  • What is Entrainment and how it benefits the body
  • The challenges of a modern day lifestyle
  • Where sound is used in the medical world today
  • The Speed of Sound and the fastest way of using it
  • What are tuning forks and how they started
  • The difference between unweighted and weighted forks
  • The importance of preparing the space beforehand
  • How to hold and strike tuning forks
  • The top 5 most useful frequencies
  • The importance of focused intention
  • How to use tuning forks on the body and in the energy field
  • How to maximise results
  • 3 ways to use a 111Hz fork for headaches/stress/mental focus, to uplifting and energise, pain & more!
  • Contra-Indications: When to avoid using tuning forks
  • How to ground yourself before and after giving a session
  • Your student bonuses!!!
  • PLUS 17 x 1 hour homework assignments

“I totally recommend Eeshi-Ra and her treatments are next level!!  She’s amazing at working
holistically with sound and frequencies and her treatments have a deep and long lasting effect.
She’s also a great teacher and I was so inspired that I bought my own forks and am now
learning how to use them.  It’s been a great journey so far!”
– Jesael – BioMagnetic Therapy Practitioner (UK)

Beginners welcome.  No previous experience necessary.  Learn from the comfort of your home with no need to pay for travel, accommodation & other expenses and review the content anytime you like!

Course includes:

  • 1 hour 58 minutes of slideshow presentations with Eeshi-Ra personally guiding you through
  • PLUS 17 x 1 hour homework assignments to bring the magic of sound healing into your world!
  • PLUS special discounts on website sound healing audios and DVD’s/video downloads for your ongoing journey into the wonders of sound healing frequencies!
  • GET 15% off my Solfeggio/Zobet & Earthing Tuning Fork practitioner courses too! (save up to £75!)
  • Sign up as an Affiliate and EARN while you LEARN & receive up to 30% commission!

“I found this very helpful & interesting.  A great course for me as a complete beginner.
  Eeshi-Ra was outstanding and very helpful.  I can’t thank her enough.
  When I have got more practice, I will want to continue onto the next 
more advanced courses.  Thank you again, Eeshi-Ra”

- Bradley D. (UK)

“I am feeling so good after our session, most of the pain in my body has lifted….
such a relief to be experiencing such reduction in pain levels. Thank you again x “

- Irene A. (Healing from Cancer) (111Hz Pain Relief Session)

“I absolutely loved this course. It brought so much insight and knowledge to me – more than I was expecting! And taking this course has made me determined to carry on what my intuition has guided me to! So much knowledge! I will definitely be taking more courses through you! Thank you!”

- Jennifer C. (Canada)

“It was a good match. It filled in many missing parts to other trainings. Thank you!”

- Diane O. (USA)

“The course is very well done…I certainly learned a lot and look forward to learning even more”

- Christine Shanesy (USA)

“I loved this course. It was fantastic”

- Virginia F. (USA)

Kindly note this is a class showing you how to use tuning forks for personal use or for your friends and family only.  Eeshi-Ra’s also has an Intro to Sound Healing course here, and for the practitioner courses for Zobet 9 or 18 forks (working primarily through the energy field) – click here, and for her Earthing Tuning Forks course working primarily on the physical body to reset the body’s connection with the Earth with just 5 weighted tuning forks, click here, for her Cellular Sonics course for physiotherapists, osteopaths, acupuncturists and other bodyworkers for physical healing, kindly go here, and for ALL her other courses, please go here.

N.B. It is recommended that you purchase at least one x 111Hz tuning fork before the course here or if you’d like to buy a great beginner’s set, the Activate your Light Body set is a really good choice and both come with free eBooks or you can purchase the forks at a later date.

Please order at least 4-6 weeks in advance to give time for your custom-made, precision-tuned practitioner quality tuning forks to reach your country from the USA and process through customs.  Please note that custom charges or import VAT may be payable.  If you’re based in the USA, your forks will reach you in 3-4 weeks.    For more information, please email Eeshi-Ra here.

EESHI-RA HART (previously Ashera) (originally from the UK) is a sound healing practitioner, international speaker, professional singer & workshop facilitator.  Having trained in many different healing modalities since 1991 (massage, aromatherapy, breathwork, ceremonial dance, planetary lightworker, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc), she finally found her calling in 2001. She received the answer to a year long question asked of the Universe, if there was a sound or a series of sounds that can be given to the human body to help humanity get more in tune.  Through divine synchronicity, she was introduced to the sound healing frequencies of the Zobet, where the solfeggio are sourced from.  These frequencies embody the codes of nature, speaking directly to our brain, and the codes in our bones, & DNA offering us many benefits.  They are major keys for humanity during this potent time of planetary evolution.  Eeshi-Ra is passionate about offering a safe, healing space in which to explore our spontaneous expression and the natural wisdom of the body, combined with the healing power of the voice, sacred sound and many other tools to help us tune in more deeply with ourselves, the Earth and the Divine.  When we are more in tune, we can access the truth of who we are, remembering that we are one global family as we fully anchor heaven on earth.

I very much look forward to welcoming you!


“I can highly recommend Eeshi-Ra’s courses, they are packed full of content and passion for her work”

- Jenny, Zobet tuning forks practitioner (UK)

111Hz fork – “It’s really helped reduce my chronic back pain episodes.  I use it every day 
as part of my self care now.  Thanks so much for introducing the 111Hz to me”

- Maria (Dance Coach) (Japan)

“Started using 111hz and my Tibetan singing bowl in the hospice. Interesting results. I only gave 20 minute sessions as sound is new to them all, and they’re all very symptomatic with disease. They loved it. Helped their insomnia, pain, ringing in ears and nausea. They all found it peaceful and relaxing.

- Susan M. - Sound Practitioner (UK)

Solfeggio/Zobet Tuning forks session – “Afterwards I felt centred, more connected to the Christ energy, lighter, more positive with a deep sense of joy and peace….  I feel strongly that everyone should experience this deep healing at some point in their lives.  Love & blessings and deep heartfelt gratitude to Eeshi-Ra for what was truly a life-changing session!”

- Emily D. - Reconnective practitioner (UK)

“Very interesting and has me totally interested and excited to start using tuning forks”

- Gail S. (USA)