Check out this video from The Reclaiming workshop in Manchester, UK to find out more!
Come and Reclaim ALL that YOU are!
YOU are lovingly invited to join us
(This ancient Shamanic Recapitulation practice is also available
for men or women as a personal Skype session here)
A 1 day Deep Dive Immersion
from my forthcoming book
“Breaking Free”
- Did you know that every male lover you’ve ever had as a woman continues to source energy from you unless you release their connection to you?
- Have you had enough of dishonouring or disempowering yourself around men or your partner?
- Are you ready to move beyond the trauma of being sexually, physically or verbally abused in the past?
- Are you fed up allowing men or others who may seek to put you down, control you etc?
- Have you just shoved those feelings down & done your best to be loving towards men whilst you’re still boiling inside? (the spiritual bypass!)
- Has that really worked for you?
- Are you tired of holding onto this pain?
- Do you get confused why you still continue to attract that kind of experience?
- Would you like a safe space to just feel, express & release all these feelings?
- Would you like to learn an ancient way to cut the ties with past lovers using a shamanic recapitulation technique you can use ongoing in your life anytime you need?
- Would you like to clear any negativity, stagnant, disrespectful or unloving energy from your womb and create a pristine sacred space there to prepare for only the Divine Masculine/Feminine to enter?
- Would you like to do that in a ceremonial way with your sisters?
- Would you like to find new ways of honouring and loving yourself?
- Would you like to learn how to firmly yet lovingly express your “No”?
- Are you ready to fully love and honour men so you can create the loving relationships you truly want?
I lovingly invite you to Your Reclaiming
Reclaiming the Divine Goddess that is YOU!
Reclaiming your fully Loving Self
Reclaiming your Divine Feminine Nature
Come together with your sisters to reclaim a deeper love for yourself and love for the Divine Feminine and Masculine within yourself & ALL others.
Benefits of The Reclaiming Shamanic Recapitulation practice may include:-
- Easily release emotions from the past and take your power back
- A deeper level of love for yourself and others
- Feel more balanced, free, energised, grounded & joyful on a day-to-day basis
- A clearer mind and focus in your life
- Higher self esteem and ability to discern what’s right for you
- Deeper level of in-tuition and listening to your inner guidance
- Feeling more empowered to communicate your boundaries and speak your truth
A practice you can use ongoing for any partner or unloving relationship
- A deeper connection with your body and tuning in with what you need
- A heightened state of natural bliss in your body
- A deeper connection with your sacred womb space & more!
BONUS Freebies include:-
- Solfeggio Sound Healing Crystal Bowl Audios to deepen & support your process
- Sonic Sanctum Space Clearing tuning fork audio to rebalance, energise & awaken!
We will be using the power of sound healing vibrations to clear, ground and tune into deeper levels of love and ecstatic embodiment as offered in my Sex Sonics & Body Sonics sessions.
I have been working with sound healing since 2001 and I am an experienced workshop facilitator having taught in Europe, the US, Australia and Bali. I also draw on my experience training as a rebirther/Biodynamic breath practitioner, professional singer, massage practitioner, ceremonial dancer, lightworker and sacred space creator.
This is an ancient shamanic technique found in the female side of the Carlos Castenada teachings that is used for clearing the energy of past lovers and this is also featured in my forthcoming book entitled “Breaking Free”.
Hear what Claire has to say about her experience at a recent workshop.
The Reclaiming recapitulation practice is ALSO available
as a standalone personal session via ZOOM. Book with Eeshi-Ra here.
EESHI-RA HART (UK) is a sound healing practitioner, international speaker, breathworker, singer & workshop facilitator and is passionate about empowering her sisters to reclaim a deeper sense of self, their true feminine nature, a more sensitive way of caring for themselves and to celebrate the love and power that all women are. Eeshi-Ra is passionate about offering a safe, healing space in which to explore our spontaneous expression and the natural wisdom of the body, combined with the healing power of the voice, sacred sound and many other tools to help us tune in more deeply with ourselves, the Earth and the Divine. When we are more in tune, we can access the truth of who we are, and so fulfil the reality of unifying with our one global family and manifesting heaven on earth. For more info on Eeshi-Ra’s courses, sessions, sound healing audios (Self Pleasuring might be of interest here!), DVD’s, sound healing ringtones, Body Sonics, Sex Sonics, Cellular Sonics etc, please go to the home page of this website here: and there’s plenty of interesting videos on Eeshira’s YouTube here:,
ONLINE COURSE coming early 2025!!!
Want to find out if The Reclaiming shamanic breathing technique is a fit for you, book a FREE 15 minute discovery call
or if you’re ready to book an online mentoring session, sign up on the booking form below!
To email Eeshi-Ra direct, please go here.