Earthing Tuning Fork Online Video Course

Earthing Tuning Fork Online Video Course


Learn how to use tuning forks to Earth the body with the natural vibrations of the Earth with just 5 tuning forks.  Great to de-stress, relax, clear, uplift, energise, rebalance, ground and centre benefiting  important grounding meridian points and energy centres of the body.

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Course includes:-

  • Over 3 hours of 11 slideshow videos
  • Over 1 hour of training videos showing all techniques on the back and front of the body, and the individual meridian points and energy centres on the back, feet, legs and up the front of the body & head.
  • 120 page manual (eBook & Print-ready formats) (see Earthing Course page for full index here)
  • 1 hour Q & A Skype one-on-one mentoring with Eeshi-Ra
  • Body Maps Front and Back, showing all points (Print & laminate for easy clinic use)
  • 3 pre-session MP3 audios to clear or ground before or after sessions
  • BONUS 20 minute Earthing tuning fork sound healing audio WAV to tune in more deeply with the frequencies for self care, energy shifting and increasing your awareness (£15 VALUE)
  • BONUS 18 minute “Becoming the Tuning Fork” Meditation MP3 to expand your body awareness & consciousness (£30 VALUE)
  • BONUS “Why 111Hz and Why Now?” Sound Summit MP4 video – 1 hour 27 minute (£20 VALUE)
  • BONUS “Why 111Hz and why now?” PDF
  • BONUS Amino Acids Brain Chemicals PDF
  • BONUS Chemicals to avoid in toiletries
  • BONUS “Optimising your Sessions” PDF
  • Energy Field Imaging Infosheet to bring the science of the future to enhance your client sessions
  • Certificate of Attendance upon completion after your 1 hour Zoom mentoring
  • Full ongoing email support to answer any questions throughout your training
  • TOTAL file size for downloads: approximately 780MB.  High quality & specially optimised for downloads. (N.B. Kindly ensure you have a good internet connection before downloading.  You have 7 days to download all the files)

    To purchase your Earthing practitioner tuning forks add to cart by clicking here
    (Please allow 3-4 weeks for your custom-made, precision-tuned forks to arrive from the USA).
  • To get fully qualified in this unique Earthing tuning fork modality, add to cart by clicking here

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