Earthing Sound Healing Audio 20 minutes MP3

Earthing Sound Healing Audio 20 minutes MP3


De-stress, clear, re-balance, ground, uplift and energise

20 minutes MP3 audio


Tune in with the natural vibrations of the Earth with this tuning fork sound healing audio with nature sounds.

2o minute MP3 (high quality version) (43MB).  Perfect for a quick tune in and tune up! (1 hour also available for a longer and deeper journey)

Best listened on headphones to maximise the benefits. Lie back or meditate, close your eyes, breathe deeply and enjoy! Drink one glass of water before and after listening to support any re-balancing effects.

© Copyright 2019 Eeshira Hart/Sonic Life Solutions. – All Rights Reserved.

(IMPORTANT: Please ensure you have a good internet connection before downloading.  You have 72 hours in which to download your files.  N.B. If you’re on a smartphone or tablet, please download this onto a computer first, so it can be decompressed, before copying or syncing with any other device and playing.  If you are on a Mac, this will decompress automatically when you double click the zip file, and if you’re on a PC, please use WinZip or similar software to extract the file. Thank you).

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