If you are listening to or purchasing any of the sound healing audio downloads the following Terms and Conditions apply to you.  By listening to these sound healing audio downloads, you agree to the Terms and Conditions below.

If you want to download any of the sound healing audio, you can use them in any gadget you care to mention (MP3 player, iPhone, iPod, tablet etc) for your own personal use only. Just click on Shop to check out what’s in stock!  These recordings are protected under International Copyright and may not be used for any other purpose without written permission of their creators!

Important: For maximum benefits please listen with headphones & not whilst driving or operating machinery. N.B. If you are taking analgesic or vascular medication or psycho-actives, effects may be increased. Consult a doctor if you have a history of seizures or any extreme health condition before use. If you experience strong re-balancing effects, ensure you are drinking enough water and breathing deeply (into your belly) and relaxing the outbreath).  By listening to this audio you are taking full responsibility for yourself and your body and you hereby formally release Eeshira Hart (and Sonic Life Solutions) completely from any liability whatsoever. If you would like any more info or have any concerns regarding the effects of the frequencies, please email info @ eeshirahart.net. Please drink 1 glass of water before & after to support any rebalancing effects. Enjoy!

My intention is to share these frequencies with as many people on the planet as possible so if you feel drawn to work in groups with them or in other ways then do please get in touch to see what synergy we can create!  My intention is that as many people have access to healing as possible so all reasonable requests will be considered.

Namaste (I honour the Divine in You!)

© Copyright 2010 Eeshi-Ra Hart/Sonic Life Solutions – All Rights Reserved