Body Sonics – SILVER 3 session package

Body Sonics – SILVER 3 session package


Become your own healer
with the awesome power
of your own voice!



Are you suffering from pain, limited range of movement, poor energy flow, numbness or low energy in part of your body or maybe you have an old injury that hasn’t fully healed or a health challenge that is stopping you having a fully happy & healthy life?  The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the right tools & information.   Sound healing has the unique ability to travel & resonate more deeply into the body, to maximise healing potential, especially when guided by your own body wisdom and amplified by the power of your voice!  Beginners most welcome.  No singing required.

Are you ready to release the past and be free?
Have you had enough of holding back what you really feel?
Would you like to tune in with your body more easily?
Are you ready to move beyond how your body feels right now and/or what your body can’t do at the moment?  If so, this is for YOU!

Learn how to heal your body with your voice!

Once you have mastered this healing technique, Eeshi-Ra is asking all her clients to pass this healing knowledge on to your friends, family etc to share these good vibes at no extra charge. Let’s get everyone well!

Silver package includes:-

  • 3 x 1 hour sessions via Skype one-on-one with Eeshi-Ra
  • 100 page Body Sonics Cellular Self Healing Protocol Manual in eBook PDF format
  • 3 x sound healing frequency MP3 audio files to help clear trauma/blockages, bring in healing energy & repair/regenerate the cells;
  • 1 hour tuning fork sound healing audio The Unity Codes to deepen your body awareness and healing journey (WAV & MP3/large and smartphone audios) (£48 VALUE)
  • Custom-designed homework for daily use between your monthly sessions
  • Inspirational handouts to support your healthy and ongoing transformation

Do you have a longer standing chronic issue or want to focus on more than 1 physical challenge?
Need more support than just 3 sessions?
Check out the 6 session Gold package here or the 9 session Platinum package here.

Transform your life with the power of your own sound!

Kindly email Eeshi-Ra ere after purchase with 3 choices of date and time for your first Body Sonics session with an indication of the nearest major city and time zone that you’re in and she will book you in as soon as possible.  Thanks so much.

Eeshira on Instagram

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