A 2 day immersion with Eeshira Hart
Learn how sound is the ultimate biohack tool to treat our top 10 health challenges
e.g. Stress/anxiety, depression, poor mental focus/brain fog/memory, muscle tension,
insomnia, back pain/headaches, indigestion, low immunity, tiredness/low energy/
poor energy flow, lack of grounding & more!
Ground more deeply, uplift your mood,
feel more energised and raise your vibration!
Want to feel great in your body every day?
Then this course is for YOU!
(Easy to learn techniques you can do anytime, anywhere!)
Sign up here
N.B. To take this course, you’ll need to purchase 111Hz & 136.1Hz Tuning Forks
separately to harmonise & support your journey as minimum fork order is now 5!
Times they are changing and increasingly our lives today are getting busier and it’s increasingly challenging to create the perfect work/life balance:
- Maybe you’re a healing practitioner and you’re finding it difficult to take quality time for yourself? or
- Maybe you’re a business owner and you want to find better ways of dealing with your stress, live & feel better?
- Maybe you’re a busy mum and want to find ways of nurturing your body & dealing with those tense shoulders? or
- Maybe you’d like to find better ways of dealing with headaches and indigestion?
- Maybe you’d like to sleep more deeply so you wake up feeling truly rested and energised for the day?
- Maybe you’re tired of being too much in your mind and you’d like to feel more grounded?
Either way, you’re really feeling the need to give even better care to yourself & love yourself more dearly
If you answered YES to any of the above, then this 2 day immersion has been lovingly created for YOU to empower you to become your own healer. This course is here to inspire & support you with some really easy ways to make the shift from living in a stressed out, painful (headaches, backache), sluggish, imbalanced and/or chaotic way suffering from bad sleep or a bad mood, and instead transform your life by releasing the past so you feel more uplifted, energised, joyful, pain-free, more peaceful & more to create a happier, healthier & more fulfilled YOU with deeper love & care for yourself.
Remember what you knew as a child. Learn ways to help you feel better fast! Transform at a cellular level and relieve not just your physical challenges, but ALSO use this course as a gateway for spiritual awakening as you embody more light within, attune more deeply with your Divine Self & I AM presence (Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness), and also activate your full codon DNA blueprint & light body as you birth the new human within you! (Homo Luminous)
This is for you if you’re ready to live a more Divinely inspired & truly fulfilled life!
If your Spirit is feeling the call, I would love to support you in making that quantum leap!
Come JOIN US!!
“I used the 111Hz tuning fork as Eeshi-Ra advised before bed and I was gone. I slept through 7 hours without waking up which has not happened in 3 months. I also missed the alarm. :-). Incredible!”
“I had some amazing Earthing Tuning Fork sessions with Eeshi-Ra Hart. The first one took me into a very deep relaxation leaving me feeling so grounded. The second one helped me feel very grounded too and connected and very soft in my body – Wow”
“My husband, (who had a shocking diagnosis of 4th stage metastatic prostatic cancer in the bones on Aug. 2, 2019), uses the fork twice daily on hip joints, spine, sacrum, sternum, and other place scans have shown the presence of cancer. He loves how it feels, very calming, and believes it is helping him as he is barely in any pain”.
“I just bought this 111Hz tuning fork from Eeshi-Ra. Been going to the chiropractor for two months for shoulder, neck and back pain. Little improvement. However the 111Hz fork stopped mine and my daughter’s pain in just two days. Two days! True story”.
“I am feeling so good after our session, most of the pain in my body has lifted…. such a relief to be experiencing such reduction in pain levels. Thank you again x “
“My Zobet/solfeggio forks sessions really helped me with my injury and now I don’t have pain in my leg or lower back (after 28 years from a car accident). It was amazing. It’s not just relaxing… It’s powerful medicine”.
111Hz “It’s really helped reduce my chronic back pain episodes. I use it every day as part of my self care now. Thanks so much for introducing the 111Hz to me.”
Want to shed a skin? Check out the intro video below and learn Sonic Flick Offs/The Pneumatic Trill” you can learn for FREE before you sign up!!
Intro to Tuning Forks – A 2 hour slideshow presentation on how tuning forks can truly transform your life
A – Intro to Healing with Sound: Water, Sound and Words; Tuning like a Guitar; Our Voice as a Superpower; What we knew as a kid; Consciously Sounding; Get out of our mind; Get into the Body; Matter is Energy; & Step free into present time.
B – The Importance of the Breath: How deep do you breathe? How to expand it; How to use conscious healing intention; How and where to relax and How it helps us get in our body more deeply.
C – The Use of Sound: Tuning forks & the Voice – A reminder on how to hold and strike forks; The importance of focused intention; Why and how the voice can potently shift our state anytime we choose with no singing experience needed; How to engage your Heart to maximise the healing potential; Vocal Warm up; Energy shifts and what are the signs to look out for; How to stimulate the vagus nerve for best results and why that’s important. How it relates to love, healing the past, shifting limiting beliefs, how it can support us to live our dream life & benefit us physically.
D – The Importance of Movement: How conscious movement opens up flow, how to tune into your body wisdom, increase your awareness of tension, blocks and what practices we can use to encourage deeper levels of embodiment to access our natural ecstatic state
How to Earth naturally
- What is Earthing and how it gets us out of our mind and into our body?
- What causes a lack of grounding?
- Benefits of Earthing
- How to Earth with Sound and Earthing Technology
- How to Earth with Movement
- How to Earth after using devices: Brain Switching and how to do a digital detox e.g. 5G/EMF radiation protection
- Meridian Points to support you
- How to open up the Breath & Ground (jaw, mouth, throat & tongue)/Release facial & jaw/TMJ tension
- Deepen the Breath to Down-regulate to Rebalance your Nervous System without and with a Tuning Fork for better results!
- How to Focus like a Laser – Maximising your healing intention with tuning and the voice
- Using Tuning forks and the Voice:
– To Ground with Sound (a busy mind)
– A quickie grounding
– To Clear & Flow – How to clear blocked energy and release muscle tension in just 5-10 minutes!
– To De-stress & Energise – Choose your top 3 current stressful challenges & release the past & feel more alive! - Open up energy flow with Earth/Sky Breathing
- Walking Meditation: An embodiment meditation to slow down, feel your body and more deeply connect
- Breathing with the Elements meditation to drop out of your mind, and tune into your body wisdom
- Deepen & access heightened states of consciousness in meditation & peace
“I used the 111Hz tuning fork as Eeshi-Ra advised before bed and I was gone. I slept through 7 hours without waking up which has not happened in 3 months. I also missed the alarm. :-). Incredible!”
“I had some amazing Earthing Tuning Fork sessions with Eeshi-Ra Hart. The first one took me into a very deep relaxation leaving me feeling so grounded. The second one helped me feel very grounded too and connected and very soft in my body – Wow”
“My husband, (who had a shocking diagnosis of 4th stage metastatic prostatic cancer in the bones on Aug. 2, 2019), uses the fork twice daily on hip joints, spine, sacrum, sternum, and other place scans have shown the presence of cancer. He loves how it feels, very calming, and believes it is helping him as he is barely in any pain”.
“I just bought this 111Hz tuning fork from Eeshi-Ra. Been going to the chiropractor for two months for shoulder, neck and back pain. Little improvement. However the 111Hz fork stopped mine and my daughter’s pain in just two days. Two days! True story”.
“I am feeling so good after our session, most of the pain in my body has lifted…. such a relief to be experiencing such reduction in pain levels. Thank you again x “
“My Zobet/solfeggio forks sessions really helped me with my injury and now I don’t have pain in my leg or lower back (after 28 years from a car accident). It was amazing. It’s not just relaxing… It’s powerful medicine”.
111Hz “It’s really helped reduce my chronic back pain episodes. I use it every day as part of my self care now. Thanks so much for introducing the 111Hz to me.”
- Limiting Beliefs
- Emotions and Intentions
- What we focus on Expands; and
- 111Hz master frequency benefits
- Use of Tuning Forks with the Breath, Voice & Movement:
– For Pain Relief e.g. Headaches, Indigestion, Muscle Tension & Backache
– To De-Stress & Relax
– To Uplift & Energise
– To Relieve Insomnia to enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep
– To Boost Immunity & Organ/Cell Vitality
– To Rebalance, Boost Memory and Enhance Mental Focus/Clarity – Get a Brain Boost! - To give Body Love & Gratitude – Harmonise all your body organs with sound, voice and loving appreciation!
- A Negative Mindset & how to Shift It
- How to feel High Vibe every day:!
- How to Reduce EMF radiation from Technology – my top tips!
- How to Detox Daily in 3 easy steps
- How to High Vibe your Life EVERY day: Diet, water, eating, detox/fasting, gut flora, parasite cleansing, home/work environment, clothes, jewellery, EMF radiation protection, digital detox, showers/baths, thoughts/communication, essential oils, friends, humming/singing, boost immunity, music/nature sounds, breathing, play, earth/sky breathing, play, meditation, dancing, exercise, earthing out/PEMF, massage & how to raise your vibration.
Tune In ::::: Tune Up
Over 15 hours of slideshow videos (120 slides) inc. Intro to Tuning Forks and 2 part programme focused on Earthing & Raising your Vibration to treat stress, muscle tension, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, indigestion, to rebalance, relax, uplift & energise, boost immunity, improve mental focus, memory & much more!
- 36 different Tuning Fork and Voice exercises to easily & effectively shift your state, lift your spirit, tune you in more deeply to your body & what you feel, empower you to become your own healer, awaken your consciousness & raise your vibration so you can tune in to a happier and healthier YOU!
- FREE 111Hz 30 page eBook PDF (£10 value) (with forks purchase)
- FREE sound healing tuning fork audios – The Unity Codes & Earthing – for rebalancing, clearing, uplifting, energising, harmonising, awakening & coming back to Earth. Super helpful at this time to clear the old paradigm of a fearful life and if you use technology/devices a lot! (£30 value)
FREE 3 x “Clear the Fear” exercises to more deeply embody (£30 value)
- FREE “Fear to Love” Pandemic Practice to co-create a brighter future! (“Clear the Fear” & “Fear to Love” interview with meditation = £50 value)
- FREE “High Vibe your Life” eBook PDF guide to feel fabulous & maximise your energy every day! – (£10 value)
- FREE “Happy Brain = Happy Body” eBook PDF of nutritional guidance to make cravings, addictive behaviour, depression & unloving behaviour a thing of the past! – (£10 value)
- FREE “Wifi & Technology tips” to reduce your impact from electromagnetic radiation & use of technology e.g. Wifi, phones, computers, etc (Priceless!)
N.B. To take this course, you’ll need to purchase 111Hz & 136.1Hz Tuning Forks
separately to harmonise & support your journey as minimum fork order is now 5!
Come and learn how to tune in & tune up
and take your life to a whole other level!!!
Set yourself FREE!
Change your Vibe … Change your Life!
EESHI-RA HART (previously Ashera) (originally from the UK) is a sound healing practitioner/frequency specialist, international speaker, professional singer, mentor & workshop facilitator. I empower clients to become their own healers using the power of scientifically-researched and medically applied frequencies and those that are based on the laws of Nature and the Universe! Having trained in many different healing modalities since 1991 (massage, aromatherapy, trauma release bodywork and breathwork, ceremonial dance, planetary lightwork, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc), she finally found her calling in 2001. She received the answer to a year long question asked of the Universe, if there was a sound or a series of sounds that can be given to the human body to help humanity get more in tune. Through divine synchronicity, she was introduced to the sound healing frequencies of the Zobet, where the solfeggio are sourced from. These frequencies embody the codes of nature, speaking directly to our brain, and the codes in our bones, & DNA offering us many benefits. They are major keys for humanity during this potent time of the Great Awakening and planetary evolution. Eeshi-Ra is passionate about offering a safe, healing space in which to explore our spontaneous expression and the natural wisdom of the body, combined with the healing power of the voice, sacred sound and many other tools to help us tune in more deeply with ourselves, the Earth and the Divine. When we are more in tune, we can access the truth of who we are, and reconnect with the inner knowing that we are one global family and so fulfill the reality of bringing Heaven to Earth
Hear clients & students of mine share their experience
How to feel great in your body EVERY day!
through the power of SOUND!