Get back to a more natural You!
Our bodies are designs of sheer genius and in order to work at peak performance they need to be treated in a natural way, doing what works for the body and giving it what it needs, so it can give you endless energy, joy-full in-house entertainment and a very long life, if you so choose.
The planet is shifting vibration and for us to shift easily with that transition, we can help our bodies by choosing lighter foods and returning to a more natural way of life. Increasingly in our lives today, due to our busy lifestyles, it is becoming more of a challenge to eat energising and healthy food, breathe clean air, drink pure water etc.
Maybe you’re suffering from poor sleep, a foggy head/poor concentration, bad digestion, bad breath, smelly underarms, constant colds/illness, low energy, stress etc and have been thinking of getting a health MOT? Why wait any longer! You know your body will love you for it!
A health coaching session or series of sessions can help:-
• Relieve stress & headaches etc
• Relieve joint conditions like rheumatism & arthritis
• Alleviate insomnia
• Boost your immune system
• Improve poor circulation
• Lymphatic & liver congestion e.g. cellulite, obesity & help detoxify the body
• Relieve digestive problems e.g. I.B.S., indigestion, constipation etc
• Skin conditions e.g. eczema psoriasis, acne etc
• Respiratory problems e.g. asthma, coughs and colds
• Relief from menstrual cramps, PMT, cystitis etc
I’m sure if you’re reading this, you would love a happier and healthier body to feel good in every day and have the ability to do anything you want to do, right? because one thing’s for sure when your body isn’t working at peak potential, then everything you want to accomplish that day, week, month goes out the window!
I’m an ex nurse (Great Ormond St, London, UK), detox/health coach, frequency medicine specialist and I’ve been eating an organic vegetarian diet since 1991 and vegan & chemical-free since 1996. I’ve done multiple juice fasts, water fasts, liver & parasite cleanses, heavy metal detoxes (after having my mercury fillings out in 1998), enemas, colonics & have been safely detoxing parasites with turpentine since 2017. I’ve also trained in the importance of safe, natural, non-toxic products since 2005 (Neways & MiEssence) and been an avid deep dive researcher since 1991, always seeking out the best protocols & products to create more health & vitality for myself & my clients in easier & more comfortable ways.
I offer different sessions depending on your choice of focus.
There are 5 types of Health Coaching session that are generally offered and the initial consultation can take between 90 minutes-2 hours with a further hour for the report to be created and sent to you so please indicate your focus at the time of booking. Session options include:-
- Health Coaching Initial Consultation (2-3 hours)
- Alkalise and Energise (60 minutes)
- Boosting Immunity and Gut Flora (60 minutes)
- Hydration and Water quality (60 minutes)
- Digital Detox/EMF Radiation (electro-magnetic frequencies) impact on your body from technology e.g. mobiles, wifi etc (60 minutes)
- Frequency Medicine Mentoring – Learn how to use frequency medicine with a free online resource anytime to treat most health issues. Especially recommended if you’re doing a parasite cleanse. PM me for more info here
What gets covered in a health coaching session?
We look at:-
- What you put in your body in terms of quality of food and drink
- What products you put on your body (in terms of products like shampoo, body lotion etc) and
- What you have around your body (in terms of technology like mobile phones, wifi etc) which can make all the difference to feeling lethargic, not eating well, stressed out or feeling GREAT all the time, 24/7. Yes ALL the time!!!
- How toxic your body might be in a simple score-based toxicity test
- Candida – A simple test you can do one morning to check if this is an ongoing issue for you
- Parasites – Most of us have them. Want to get a FREE score-based test to find out if you’ve got little critters? Sign up below!; etc
I also offer a wide range of detox coaching sessions.
These include:
- Colon Cleansing – 30-60 minutes – Latest products & options with optional enema coaching
- Enema Coaching – 30 minutes – Includes FREE 9 page eBook Protocol PDF
- Fat Cell Cleanse – 60 minutes – Lifestyle Change coaching with option to add in other cleanses
- Heavy Metal & Digital Detox – 60 minutes – Includes FREE 36 page Heavy Metal & 4 page Digital Detox eBook Protocol PDF’s
- Kidney Cleanse – 30 minutes – Includes FREE 17 page eBook Protocol PDF
- Liver Cleanse – 30-60 minutes – Includes FREE 10 page eBook Protocol PDF
- Parasite Cleanse – 30-60 minutes – Includes FREE 23 page eBook Protocol PDF
If you book at least 6 sessions you get the sixth session absolutely FREE!
ALL CONSULTATIONS are offered via Skype
Initial consultation 2-3 hours includes emailed report
N.B. Prepayment is required in order to confirm your appointment.
Want to find out if health coaching and detoxing is a fit for you? Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call here.
or to book your session NOW, please scroll to the bottom!
If you are based in either Australia or the UK, I can then can offer you suggestions on follow up sessions with a network of health professionals who have expertise in:-
- detoxing safely using a planned detox/health plan designed especially for you and your body.
- a live blood analysis microscopist who can check your blood to see where your main areas of challenge might be e.g. organ function, oxygen levels, presence of parasites, acidity (that can lead to cancer) etc,
- colonic hydrotherapy
- a radiation home check consultant who can visit your home and test if there are any hotspots in your house, together with best sleeping room (UK only)
- a personal trainer/QiGong/Yoga coach
- a transformational EFT consultant (Emotional Freedom Technique) who’s getting great results with clients that can also help you to move through any anxiety/fear/limiting beliefs
- and a wide variety of practitioners who offer massage/Bowen etc to recommend to help the body get back in balance
- plus my own sound healing recommendations for the best tuning forks, sound healing audio downloads, online courses etc suited to assist where you are on your journey right now
They will gently guide you in creating more energy, focus, fulfilment, fun and freedom in your life!!!
Are you ready for a detox or a de-stress massage, or a change in diet or lifestyle or a quantum shift in vibration???
I would be honoured to be your guide in an easy and straightforward 1 hour-90 minute initial consultation to establish your challenges so you can help yourself make your goals of a happier, healthier YOU a reality!
To book. your custom-designed health coaching session NOW, please scroll to the bottom.
“Eeshira went through a simple, easy to follow, step by step protocol
on how to properly and effectively perform enemas. She gave me
insight on what works well for others as well as what works well
for herself. It was helpful to hear all of her tips as now I know
how I can get more out of enemas than I have ever done before…
& I’m excited & grateful for her information and time :-).
Thank you for your wisdom & guidance Eeshira. If you’re looking
for assistance on where to start when it comes to enemas
or want to take your enema practice further, Eeshira is your woman!”
– Dr Esmae C. (USA)
For some of the best detox products, please scroll down for all the links.
One thing that’s important to know is that unless you’ve been living a healthy life from day 1, there is no quick fix. We’ve been living in a toxic society for many years and reclaiming our health needs commitment and persistence, because if you think about it, at what point in your life did you get sick, or decide to start looking after your body? and what age are you now? so chances are you’ve had about 20 years or more years of living a less healthy lifestyle, and so that’s quite a bit of repairing to do!! All you need to do is commit to making certain important changes, be gentle, loving and patient with yourself, and as you start to get amazing results, this will inspire you to keep going, and you’ll be well on your way to a happier healthier YOU!
I look forward to empowering you to have an awesome, happier & healthier life and future!
“Between June and Dec 2019, I landed up in the hospital more than 8 times, each time getting admitted in an emergency. The only clue that the most advanced hospitals in Germany would give me was that there was high inflammation in my body and then they would say they didn’t know where it was coming from, what is happening and this was quite frustrating. In the midst of this pain I made a conscious decision not to land again like this in the hospital. I started all kinds of healing that I knew and that’s when I landed on Eeshira’s website. They say, “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”…and that’s exactly what happened!
From the start of 2020 until now I have regularly taken sessions with Eeshira. She is one of the best at what she does. I really think if someone is going through extreme chaos in their physical and emotional well-being, health coaching is the best point to start with her. She studied my case in deep details considering not only the symptoms on physical level, but also my past, childhood, environments, foundational relationships and more. It was such an enlightening conscious experience. Following her advice, I added so many healthy habits and conscious protocols in my lifestyle, and life got better and better every day…SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! This session will probably also change the way you see your disease. And apart from all these benefits, Eeshira is a lovely person to interact with. A compassionate healer!”
Most of us never get around to cleaning out our colon, and imagine how it would be going through life never giving your car a service, or cleaning out your fridge, or the garage, or never cleaning your house?? Over time your car would give you less and less performance as it struggles with clogged filters, no engine oil change, no tyre change and not topping up the water in the radiator. Your fridge would get all dirty with food gunk that got mouldy, containers that burst or spilt, eggs that broke, or a freezer section that never got defrosted so the electricity bill went up. Your garage would get clogged with old stuff you never threw out, dead animals that tried to escape your cat, old car oil cans, things you meant to recycle but they never made it out the house etc. Your house would get dirty from all the dirty shoes coming in, dust from clothes everywhere, dirty curtains, caked on surfaces in your cooker, unwashed plates in the sink, grubby cushion covers, massive cobwebs and the list goes on! You get the idea! No wonder our bodies struggle trying to keep us healthy, or worse still, get really sick and almost give up if we NEVER clear out!
COLOSAN is my most favourite colon product in the world! and it will work for pretty much anyone, especially if you want to get quick results and we all like a quick fix don’t we? This colon cleansing powder floods your body with oxygen. You use it to liquefy the contents of your digestive system in order to clear out any undigested food/faecal matter that has hardened on the colon wall over the years and believe me, unless you were brought up on a completely pure diet, most of us have got extra padding around our bellies haven’t we? Experts say we have between 6-12lbs of it! Colosan comes either in capsules (vegan/vegecaps) or as a powder and it’s a bit like a do-it-yourself colonic without the need to pay for an expensive colonic session and if you get the powder, you can easily regulate the dose up or down if things are moving too fast for you and it always gives you enough time to get to the toilet too!
My friend Mark Lester who runs The Finchley Clinic in London states this one product has revolutionised the detox world and is far more effective than older less effective ways of clearing out like psyllium husk and bentonite clay! The oxygen produced also alkalises your body so it helps detox you by dealing with any acidity in your cells. This colon cleansing powder floods your body with some much needed oxygen (especially if you live in a city area) as low oxygen levels can increase your risk of creating cancer too. Oxygen also helps clear out anaerobic pathogens that can no longer exist when oxygen is present.
As it helps you clear out, it helps your mind think more clearly too, boosting your energy levels, making your face more radiant and sometimes even reducing facial wrinkles all at the same time! Great if you’re overweight and want to rejuvenate and create a brand NEW YOU! It’s a win, win all round. Just remember you need to take a good probiotic afterwards as this helps replenish the healthy bacteria you need for good digestion and to support your immune system. See below for links to the powder, the capsules and some great probiotics!
Colosan Powder. (6 months supply). To purchase click on Colosan Powder
Colosan 120 Capsules. To purchase click on Colosan Capsules – 120 Caps
Which probiotic is the best to go for? Well Gaia’s got it going on and she’s here to help! I used to recommend Primal Defense but recently found out it’s got magnesium stearate in it which can be quite damaging for your health in many ways, so I now recommend either BioKult or Threelac or Fivelac or Sevenlac or Optibac depending on what you want it for. BioKult is a great probiotic as it doesn’t need to be refrigerated so it’s great for travel too and it’s the one I use when I’m teaching abroad!
Fivelac. (Vegetarian but not Vegan). To purchase click on Fivelac
Threelac. (Vegetarian and Vegan). To purchase click on Threelac
or get a combination of a probiotic with liquid oxygen too!
GHT Fivelac and Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida kit. To purchase click on GHT Fivelac & Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida Kit
or get a combination of a probiotic, liquid oxygen and digestive enzymes instead
GHT Fivelac and Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida kit. (Not vegetarian or vegan). To purchase click on GHT Fivelac & Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida Kit
GHT Fivelac and OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida kit. (Vegetarian). An alternative to the one above. To purchase click on GHT Fivelac & OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida Kit
GHT Fivelac and OxyLift Anti-Candida. (Vegetarian). To purchase click on GHT Fivelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit
and new as of July 2020, Sevenlac is now available. (Vegetarian). To purchase click on Sevenlac Probiotic – New July 2020!
or to do The Comprehensive Candida Support programme Month 1, which includes the main anti-candida products, click on Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 1 (Starting off gently)
and for Month 2 click on Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 2 (Getting stronger)
and for Month 3 click on Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 3
and for Month 3 Extra Strong Version click on Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 3 – Extra Strong Version
and for Month 4 click on Comprehensive Candida Support Programme Month 4
and there are more products for Months 5-12 on the same website.
and here’s a great article on how to treat candida/thrush, click here
and here’s some great articles on candida and healing naturally too! Click here.
Click here for a great vegan digestive enzyme that also digests the cellular wall of candida so it’s a great product to use alongside any other candida treatment you’re doing.
VeganZyme 120 capsules. To purchase click on Veganzyme 120 capsules
Check out these amazing oxygen products that help flood the body with oxygen, giving you more energy, a clearer mind, reducing wrinkles, boosting your immune system (helps with colds and flus which are really just the body’s way of detoxing – unless you had a flu jab!), help control candida, reduce viral/bacterial infections and more! (N.B. Oxylift is a vegan formula).
Oxygen Elements Max and Oxylift. To purchase click on Oxygen Elements Max & Oxylift
Want to look 10 years younger, apparently this product does the trick!