Sonic Soul Retrieval
Eeshi-Ra Hart
A 12 week Practitioner Course
Clear the past to anchor the Divine in present time
FREE Intro Taster: 3 x 1 hour class
Click here to sign up for FREE!
This 12 week Healing with the Voice course starts whenever you’re ready!
Learn at your own pace, at a time to suit you & repeat whenever you like!
SIGN UP for the 12 week practitioner course here
Are you struggling financially at the moment?
If so, a 3 monthly payment plan is available.
Contact Eeshi-Ra here to arrange the payment plan
Learn how to heal with your voice in a profound way for yourself & others
Manifest miracles & clear blocks that may have held you/others back for lifetimes!
An ancient vocal healing method used in the temples of Egypt so vital during this time of our awakening!
Learn how to use the best frequency shifting tool there is!
N.B. If you’re already a singer, this will give your voice more resonance & power,
vocal range, longer & deeper breath control,
more fully embodied and more tuned in spiritually too!
This 12 week programme is here to empower you to optimise your vibration in your body, mind & soul using breath, sound & movement
This is a call out to all singers/frequency shifters/sound healing practitioners/lightworkers who are interested in deepening your resonance so we can co-create change on a planetary, divine and galactic level.
You’ll learn Shamanic Sonic vocal healing tools using sacred geometry, energy work and light for personal and planetary transformation so vital at this time!
This is for YOU ….If you like to think/feel & live outside the box and love using sound healing for personal transformation!
You will learn how to:
Clear different areas of the physical body & energy field using the biofeedback of your own body and your voice
- Clear blocks, negative imprints/emotions, trauma, imbalances & miasma/distortions/ disconnections from this life and past lives
- Change the healing qualities of your voice moment by moment eg timbre, tonality, rhythm, width or laser focused etc
- Tune into your body wisdom to focus & step beyond the mind to fully assist yourself & others.
- Tune into spiritual guidance & transmit ancient soul messages to bring completion to unresolved current or past life experience
- Step outside the box of how you normally use your voice and get raw & primal!
- Become fully free vocally to shift dissonance into full resonance
- Do soul retrieval calling back soul fragments from past lives, other dimensions, times & spaces.
- Harmonise & re-integrate disharmony back into the body
- Fully anchor the I AM presence more deeply into the body
- Give a 1 hour session that clears, integrates & grounds to finish
- Create sacred space
- Quickly and easily shift your state to embody & prepare before a session
- Clear your energy after so you don’t take on any of your client’s energy or get any entity interference
Beginners most welcome
No perfect singing technique or complicated mantras to learn
No need to sing in tune or sound good
No experience required!
Just a desire to be fully wild, free & in total service to the highest good for ALL!
This natural method of healing with the voice is completely unique and you will probably have never heard your voice make sounds like this ever in your life! It’s amazing how the voice can shift when there are zero rules! This form of Sonic Soul Retrieval vocal healing can help unravel the pain and trauma or life experience where we may have swallowed down our feelings so when accessed and vibrated to the surface, they can be transformed and released from where they have been stored in the body or surrounding energy field so this no longer leads to causing some kind of dis-ease or imbalance. Using sound with healing intention enables us to move beyond “the story” of what happened, who was there, what life changing decisions were made etc, so we can fully release, integrate and then come back into present time so we can more deeply embody. at whatever level we are ready to experience next!
This can often tap into unresolved trauma from this life, past lives and your ancestral lineage or your client’s that is waiting to be witnessed, seen, felt, embraced, accepted, resolved and then re-integrated. Then this frees up the body’s life force to call back any part of the soul that might have fragmented or split off from other lives, dimensions and times that may have become disconnected and shifted out of a place of love and attunement & connection with the Divine and Source consciousness. Once the soul is more integrated, then this supports us to more fully step into the body and anchor our Divine loving presence and the gifts we are here to share on Earth.
When we enable ourselves or support others to take full responsibility for what we/they feel, rather than blaming anyone else for our lives and the lessons we have chosen to learn, we can then fully integrate those lessons and move beyond that. As the spiritual teacher Osho says “we are our heaven and we are our hell”. The choice is ours! Sonic Soul Retrieval makes for an easier journey!
Once stuck pain, emotions and energy from the past are released, this then opens the space for more flow of life force, health, happiness, calm, joy and peace to take its place. The voice is probably the most divinely potent healing instrument we have available to us as it can be used like a laser to create lasting vibrational change at the deepest level. It’s the most powerful prayer we have!
Over 20 hours (12 weeks) of guided mentoring (90-120 minute classes)
- Weekly Homework with deep inner attunement recommendations to deepen your journey
- Shamanic Sonics Vocal Tools for Healing PDF to deepen the healing qualities of your voice
- A 30 minute personal One-on-One Zoom with Eeshi-Ra when you’ve mastered all the techniques to demonstrate giving a mini 15 minute client session. Contact Eeshi-Ra here when you’re ready!
- Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of the demo session
- Special Practitioner Discounts (See Other Offerings video)
FREE – 1 hour “The Unity Codes” Tuning Fork Sound Healing Audio for anchoring Divine Blueprint (£24 VALUE)
- FREE – 20 minutes “Earthing” Sound Healing Tuning Fork Audio to support deepening your embodiment (£15 VALUE)
- FREE – 3 x Energy Clearing MP3 Audios: Earthing, Violet Flame and Sacred Geometry (£30 VALUE)
- FREE “High Vibe your Life” eBook PDF guide to feel fabulous & maximise your energy every day! – (£10 value)
- FREE “Happy Brain = Happy Body” eBook PDF of nutritional guidance to make cravings, addictive behaviour, depression & unloving behaviour a thing of the past! – (£10 value) – TOTAL VALUE £89/US$111!
- Using the Voice as a Tool for Healing – Transforming lies into Truth
- Shifting Consciousness from Victim to Co-Creator
- Using the Breath
- How does Sound Healing work? – What is Entrainment? – What is Resonance? – What is physical matter really?
- Using the Voice
- How to move/clear energy with breath, sound & movement
- Using Movement
- Amplifying with Sound Frequency
WEEK 11 – Q & A
Upon successful completion of the training, ALL students will receive a practitioner certificate of attendance.
12 WEEK COURSE SCHEDULE: Want to read the complete list of ALL topics during the 12 weeks covered? Click SSR Course content.
If your Spirit is feeling the call, I so look forward to welcoming you there!
In loving service to the Divine I AM within us ALL!
Transformation with the power of Sound
EESHI-RA HART (previously Ashera) (originally from the UK) is a sound healing practitioner/frequency specialist, international speaker, professional singer, mentor & workshop facilitator. I empower clients to become their own healers using the power of scientifically-researched and medically applied frequencies and those that are based on the laws of Nature and the Universe! Having trained in many different healing modalities since 1991 (massage, aromatherapy, trauma release bodywork and breathwork, ceremonial dance, planetary lightwork, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc), she finally found her calling in 2001. She received the answer to a year long question asked of the Universe, if there was a sound or a series of sounds that can be given to the human body to help humanity get more in tune. Through divine synchronicity, she was introduced to the sound healing frequencies of the Zobet, where the solfeggio are sourced from. These frequencies embody the codes of nature, speaking directly to our brain, and the codes in our bones, & DNA offering us many benefits. They are major keys for humanity during this potent time of the Great Awakening and planetary evolution. Eeshi-Ra is passionate about offering a safe, healing space in which to explore our spontaneous expression and the natural wisdom of the body, combined with the healing power of the voice, sacred sound and many other tools to help us tune in more deeply with ourselves, the Earth and the Divine. When we are more in tune, we can access the truth of who we are, and reconnect with the inner knowing that we are one global family and so fulfill the reality of bringing Heaven to Earth.
Hear some of Eeshi-Ra’s clients share their experience below.