Bring extra professional credibility to your Earthing tuning fork sessions & some beautiful art & colour to your clinic wall with Earthing Tuning Forks Practitioner certification
Earthing Tuning Fork Practitioner CERTIFICATION
Want to get fully qualified as an Earthing Tuning Forks Practitioner?
You’ve already signed up for the Earthing Tuning Forks course here and now Earthing Tuning Fork Practitioner Certification is available via Zoom!
This includes:-
- 1 hour oral exam
- 1 hour video exam of you giving a client session; &
- 30 Case Studies – 6 (people) x 5 (sessions) case studies or 10 (people) x 3 (sessions). Total: 30 x 2 A4 pages
Join our growing community of Earthing tuning fork practitioners trained in this profound way of resetting and rebalancing the body to feel more tuned in with the Earth in every way!
Downloads include:-
- Case Study Form in PDF format so you can complete by hand and printing out. Please use easy to read writing!;
- Case Study Form in Mac Pages format so you can complete by typing in and printing out;
- Case Study Form in PDF format so you can complete by hand and printing out. Please use easy to read writing!; and
- Client Case History form in Microsoft .doc format so you can complete by typing in and printing out. If completing manually, please use easy to read writing!
Upon purchase, please email Eeshira here to set a date(s) for your oral and video exams. You will receive your certificate on successful completion of both exams (70% pass mark) and completion of all your case studies.
Please give at least 2 weeks’ notice for marking of all paperwork.