528Hz Balinese Temple Bell SANCTUM

528Hz Balinese Temple Bell SANCTUM


Awaken the Heart
and the Kingdom of
Heaven within

ever more deeply
with the 528Hz
Sacred Sonic

Solfeggio Healing


Super excited to share with you this exquisite Priestess/Priest temple bell custom tuned to 528Hz!!  This unique sacred Dorje style bell in brass is tuned to a higher harmonic of 528Hz & made by the chief bellmakers for the highest Balinese Mangku’s (Temple Priests & Priestesses) for sacred ceremony. They hold the bell in the left hand symbolic of fire and they purify with water using the right hand.

528Hz is a solfeggio sound healing frequency to awaken our hearts and the kingdom of heaven within, to deepen self love and so our love for others. The heart in Hindu tradition is also the element of fire. Highest quality design with a strong resonant sound that sustains for a long time. Quality with a capital Q!

528Hz is also a code of Light that energises and helps us feel our connection to Source and ALL that is.  This bell is a potent space clearer &  frequency shifter designed perfectly for sacred ceremony, sound journeys, client sessions and beyond!  Adorned with different gemstones for the heart, base chakra and connection to Spirit.

The sacred SANCTUM design includes:

Green quartz for the heart centre and carnelian for the base chakra at the bottom closest to the bell, and amethyst and clear quartz for the crown chakra at the top!  Cat not included! 😉 😝 😂

INCLUDES: FREE 35 page 528Hz eBook and short intro video MP4 from High Priestess Ida Resi Alit of Bali showing you how to attune and work with it.

Each bell is custom-ordered.  Mailing is fully insured and tracked.  Tracking will be emailed to you.  Allow 3-4 weeks for international delivery.

Weighs approximately 800g and comes in a gold velvet, satin lined & padded drawstring bag.

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Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 at 8:12am


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