Tune-In In!!!
The frequencies I work with work in pairs and they all have a difference tone of 111Hz.
Paul Devereux is a very well-known professor from Cambridge in England who calls himself an archaeo-acoustician (a cross between being an archaeologist and an acoustician
This was the subject of a Channel 4 documentary entitled “Sounds from the Stone Age” back in November 2001, which was part of the “Secrets of the Dead” series and you can get his book entitled “Stone Age Soundtracks” here. People like Brian Barritt, Depeche Mode and Heaven 17 band members have been inspired by this and gone on to create the project called Future of Sound. Brian Barritt even wrote a book inspired by this topic with a print run of ONLY 111 copies! Future of Sound was set up by Martyn Ware of Illustrious Company (who is also a founder member of Human League and Heaven 17) continues to provide a platform for this cutting-edge sound technology in the mainstream.
Want to know more, then I invite you to come to my next workshop/class called “Tools for 2012”. Check calendar for dates.
See you there!
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