Here are a variety of videos
connected to Eeshi-Ra’s work
Does sound healing really work?
More on Body Sonics here and here.
Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call here
and sign up for 3 sessions here (Silver package) or 6 sessions here (Gold package)
Are sound healers getting ripped off? Part 1
More on Leading Sound Journeys here and secure your spot here
Sound Healer Rip Off Part 3
US Testimonial on The Unity Codes
A testimonial from the US where some workshop participants experienced the frequencies of the Zobet listening to a tuning fork sound healing audio combined with ocean waves called The Unity Codes played to them through a 3D/Ambisonic spatialised surround sound system. For all other testimonials go here.
Sacred Geometry in Nature
Eeshi-Ra live during Global Chant at Uplift 2012
The next video link is from Uplift Festival in Byron Bay, Australia in December 2012. See Eeshi-Ra featured during the Global Chant linking with many others globally via live webstreaming. The Global Chant was led by Jonathan and Andi Goldman and Eeshi-Ra was playing her 528Hz crystal bowl.
Solfeggio, 432Hz & other Tunings with Randy Masters
Here’s a video with Zobet (solfeggio sound healing) expert, my mentor and colleague Randy Masters talking about the difference between the tuning of the solfeggio and the use of 432Hz. For those of you who would like to buy the full length version (1 hour 24 minutes) via Pay Per View, this is available in the Shop here.
Tuning with 528Hz to energise your Food and Water
and here’s a video I did on how to tune your water and food using 528Hz whether you have a tuning fork or not!
How to tune in with yourself and the Earth before doing planetary ceremony