Learn how to easily transform
the stresses of your busy day
with the power of
breath, sound
& movement!
In Tune with You Sound Healing Course
Learn 6 powerful biohacking ways to create more health, happiness & wholeness in your Life
Become your OWN healer!
In Tune With You was created to support all those who are looking for innovative and natural ways to harmonise and heal their body with breath, sound, healing intention, visualisation and movement.
This sound healing course includes:
The Vocal Warm-Up (14 minutes 17s) – This shows you how to get your voice warmed up with gentle sound, breathing and body movement before every exercise so you can feel more tuned into your body and how you’re feeling, opening up the throat & resonating your voice inside your whole body
Exercise 1: Clear & Ground (7 minutes) – This shows you can you can easily clear a busy mind and ground more fully into your body
Exercise 2: De-Stress (10 minutes 42s) – This shows you how you can use specific sounds, breath & body movement to clear out any stress, tension or negative emotions you might be feeling in a focused, playful & grounded way.
Exercise 3: Centre & Energise (9 minutes 27s) – This shows you how to use an expansive tribal word to bring yourself back to centre and energise your body from the inside out whenever you need
Exercise 4: Relieve discomfort & pain (9 minutes 24s) – This shows you how you can relieve discomfort, tension or pain you might be feeling in your body using the power of the voice and visualisation guided by your body’s own natural intelligence
Exercise 5: Tune Up (12 minutes 57s) -This shows you how you can do deeper healing on your own body and also do it for friends, family & beyond!
Exercise 6: Tune In (9 minutes 52s) – This shows you how with the power of the breath and the voice how you can tune in with you and what you’re feeling and what support or change you might need to give yourself in this moment.
TOTAL: 1 hour 22 minutes 10 seconds