Would you like to heal your body with the power of your voice?

Come join my Intro Class

Tuesday 23 July 2024 – 7-9 pm
@ Soul Side Wellness, 2603 The Dome Tower, Dubai

For those who are interested in learning how to access the power of your voice for healing, supported by the deeply transformational healing frequencies of the solfeggio, come and join this fun Body Sonics Introductory 2 hour class.

You will learn:-

  • How to easily warm up your voice
  • Why humming is so transformational & healing for us
  • The 3 key solfeggio frequencies that can be used to clear out the past, bring in new life into your body and deepen your connection to yourself, the Earth and the Divine
  • The importance of shifting our mindset about what kind of healing is possible
  • How to access the laser technology of your voice!
  • How to release stuck energy, limited mobility, numbness, injuries or trauma that hasn’t fully healed, chronic pain & more!
  • The power of healing intention
  • The importance of breath, sound & movement
  • How to easily connect with your body wisdom
  • 3 meditations for personal & physical transformation
  • How clearing blocks can help you feel more sensitive and aware of your body & become more present in your body
  • How clearing out past emotions and trauma, can make space for increased energy flow & vitality in our bodies
  • How to tune in on the gift of why your body has created discomfort, dis-ease or imbalance in the first place

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated throughout.

For those who would like to find out more about Body Sonics sessions and hear about others healing breakthroughs, kindly go here and to learn more about the Body Sonics 2 day immersion and 6 day Body Sonics practitioner training, please go here.