In today’s Western world, we have many different types of technology that can negatively impact us, that may interfere with our body’s energy, so we may get tired more easily, struggling to get through the day and need to perk ourselves up with cups of coffee; or we get ungrounded, making it hard for us to navigate any daily stresses we have; or maybe we succumb to the pressure of deadlines (instead of lifelines!) and other people’s emotional states and it leaves us overwhelmed or overloaded energetically and up in our heads, thinking too much, which can lead to us being more out of touch with our bodies, forgetting to drink when we’re thirsty, or feeding ourselves on food that isn’t what our body actually wants.  In a society that encourages us to always be at our best, we then may just push down that stress and upset emotions and just keep going, and when this is left undealt with or unexpressed, this can often lead to dis-ease at a later date.

There is now research that shows a major link to the lack of grounding, (more recently called “Earthing”) and inflammation in the body and according to author of “Earthing” Clinton Ober, 85% of dis-ease is linked to inflammation.  Dr Neil Cherry has also shown through his research the effect particularly of mobile phones on our body’s connection with the Earth.

A recent client shares this about her experience:-

“What Eeshira does is unique to anything I have experienced in terms of deep nourishment to the cells and something much deeper than that.  I think having a massage before receiving the tuning forks is so valuable as she is such a skilled bodyworker and then you’re fully available to receive her deeper work.  There’s something very sacred about her presence and work”.
– Barbara – Cranial-Sacral therapist (USA)

Earthing has many benefits that include things like the ability to discharge the buildup of electro-magnetic frequencies from the devices we use, and re-energise through our feet, but often in the city we don’t either find the time or it’s hard to find a patch of green in the concrete jungle.

Can it really be that simple to take our shoes off and have a walk on the beach or in our nearby park or garden?  Well yes and no.

With sound healing, there are a great choice of frequencies that can be given to the body using tuning forks, that can help the busy urban person, get more in tune on every level and increasingly it seems that Earthing is a very vital thing that we as humans all need!

“Had an absolutely amazing 1-1 session with Eeshira Hart.  The session for me was mind-blowing and I have not experienced anything like that in my entire life!  I feel much more connected, present and relaxed.  A lot released during the session too – just what I needed.  Thank you very much. – Jade (UK)

Hear about Samantha’s and Ineka’s experience below:

“Thank you for the sound healing, I found it to be truly such a nourishing experience especially after the detox my body has undergone prior – it was a perfect way to end. And you held such a safe and accepting space allowing for a deeper letting go experience.  Would love to meet again.  Many thanks!! – Trish (Australia)

We can harness the many sound healing benefits of precision-tuned tuning forks that use master frequencies and the Schumann (the Yang aspect of Earth that broadcasts in the ionosphere which is about 80km above our Earth) and the Geomagnetic that transmits from within the Earth (the Yin aspect of Earth).

Benefits from an Earthing tuning forks session may include:-

  • Deep relaxation and more peaceful mind to aid deeper sleep
  • Reset and rebalance the brain
  • Uplift our mood and decrease the absorption of depression-inducing chemicals
  • Increased energy flow in the body
  • EMF protection
  • Increase melatonin production to boost the body’s ability to scavenge free radicals at a cellular level
  • Reduce neurological, cardiac, reproductive and carcinogen-based illness
  • Rebalance metabolism, body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing, sleep-wake cycles, and hormone levels (Increase human growth hormone levels)
  • Enhance cellular growth
  • Increase immune protection and boosting immunity
  • Improve reaction times, boost memory and increase mental clarity
  • increase blood circulation to the brain and peripheral circulation in the body’s limbs
  • Reduce inflammation and muscle tension
  • Benefit Parkinson’s disease
  • Benefit wound healing
  • Stimulate ATP cellular energy with possible anti-ageing benefits
  • Access deeper levels of centeredness and grounding
  • Tune into a deeper connection with our body and its wisdom e.g. needing to drink more water, change diet etc,
  • Also spiritual benefits include: deepening meditation, and spiritual attunement to access deeper states of unity, inner connection, and natural feelings of bliss that are our birthright, especially when combined with your healing intention!

Clinton Ober in his book “Earthing” states that at its causal level, 85% of disease is caused by inflammation and research has shown that this is due to a lack of Earthing.

“The tuning forks session I had with Eeshi-Ra took me into deep, deep relaxation.  Through breath work and the subtle vibrations of her magical tuning forks, my whole body began to buzz.  It’s a phenomenal experience that can’t be described, but has to be lived.  After the session, I continued to receive the effects, with releasing of thoughts and emotions that were not aligned anymore with the higher vibrations.  Thank you Eeshira for a deeply healing session.  I highly recommend it.  The future is undoubtedly vibrational!
– Noha, Director, Life in a Travel Bag (UK)

If you’d like to find out what’s the best fit for you, sign up for a free 15 minute discovery call with Eeshira or book your session by clicking the button below.

“I have had several massage and sound healing sessions with Eeshira and each time they were so deeply relaxing I found myself drifting off to sleep. All my knots and tension dissolved under her healing hands and I noticed increased flexibility in my shoulders. Eeshira has a deep knowledge of sound as a healing modality and is a compassionate and intuitive healer. Highly recommended”. – Belinda B., Events Organiser (Australia)