For those who are interested in learning how to access the power of their voice for healing but are unable to invest in my 2 day immersion, I also offer a Body Sonics Introductory 3 hour class.

You will learn:-

  • How to easily warm up your voice
  • Why humming is so useful for us
  • The 3 key solfeggio frequencies that can be used to clear energy, bring in new vitality and deepen your connection to self, the Earth and the Divine
  • How to access the laser technology of your voice!
  • The power of intention
  • The importance of breath, sound & movement
  • The importance of shifting your mindset about what is possible
  • How to easily connect with your body wisdom
  • 3 meditations for personal & physical transformation
  • How clearing blocks can help you become more present in your body
  • How to open up the pranic energy field of the body
  • How to receive the gift of why your body has created imbalance in the first place

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water.

For those who would like to find out more about the Body Sonics 2 day immersion, please go here.